Caleb: Poop. Dad: Poop? Did you mess your diaper? Caleb: NO. No poop bopper. Dad: Then why are you talking about poop? Caleb: Nice poop. Dad: Yuck. Poop is not nice. Caleb: Aaaaahahahaha. Wheeee! Poop.
Caleb: Juice? Dad: First you have to give me some money. Caleb: Yes. (hands dad a toy car) Dad: This is not money. Are you trying to trick me? Caleb: Yes. Dad: ... Caleb: Juice. Pease. Dad: Orange juice sound good? Caleb: Idge juice. Yaaaaaay!
Dad: Caleb, can you say "Daddy"? Caleb: Daddy. Dad: Good job. Can you say "Mommy"? Caleb: Mommy. Dad: Can you say "pie"? Caleb: Bye. Dad: Can you say "dinosaur"? Caleb: Dino. Dad: Can you say "Supercalifragilisticexpialodocious"? Caleb: Yes.