Thursday, January 24, 2008

Guitar Hero

Dad: Hey buddy, whatcha doin'?
Caleb: I got my juice, my guitar, and my hooker.*
Dad: Hahahaha
Mom: When you blog this, please explain.

*Entry 87 from the 2008 Unabridged Calebese Dictionary:
hooker (hu - kur), noun: a bungee cord with two hooks (image)


Anonymous said...

I would like to see the complete Calebese Dictionary posted. LOL

Will and Olivia said...

rock star!
looks like he already has his bar chords down.

josh said...

I know that this is an old post, but I laughed so hard reading it that I almost wet 'em.

vandorsten said...

RG - ha! so would i...

GWH - he has mastered chord structures and is moving on to more technical aspects... like playing with his teeth and lighting the guitar on fire.

M - wet away, friend. caleb does.